Reports from NATO Shipping Center
All Alerts:
Alert 217 10/09/2011 06:25 1406N 04245E Pirated
Alert number217 / 2011.
***This vessel has been hijacked***
At 0627 UTC / 10 SEP 11 / a merchant vessel has been hijacked by /2 skiff in position 1406N 04245E
UPDATE: New report indicates vessel is safe
Alert 216/2011 08/09/2011 19:00 1527N 05214E Pirated
at 1327Z Sep 2011 a sailing yacht has been hijacked by pirates
UPDATE: EUNAVFOR reports 1 yacht hostage
EUNAVFOR Operation Atalanta assets have today, 10 September, stopped and boarded a skiff thought to have been involved in an incident with the French Sailing Yacht (SY) TRIBAL KAT. One member of the crew from the yacht was found safe.
SPS Galicia (EUNAVFOR photo) |
The SY TRIBAL KAT was located on 8 September, by the EU NAVFOR warship FGS BAYERN, who responded to a distress call from the yacht and located off the coast of Yemen. At that time and following an inspection of the yacht the crew could not be found. Today EU NAVFOR warship SPS GALICIA, with support from EU NAVFOR warship FS SURCOUF, located and trailed the skiff. SPS GALICIA then forced the skiff to stop. One of crew members was released safely and all of the suspect criminals were detained. The other crew member is believed to have been killed when the suspects boarded the yacht.
FS Surcouf (EUNAVFOR photo) |
The skiff has subsequently sunk, however all persons, were safely recovered by a boarding team from SPS GALICIA. All are on board the SPS GALICIA while investigations continue to determine the facts of the incidents. During the operation the hostage was not wounded or injured all the suspect criminals were detained unharmed.
EUNAVFOR also reports locating the
On 8 September, the FGS BAYERN responded to a distress call and located a yacht off the coast of Yemen.
An inspection of the yacht found no persons on board. The whereabouts of the crew is unknown at this time.
FGS Bayern (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Mike Banzhaf) |
Am I the only one who keeps getting jealous when I see other countries frigates and corvettes?