

Sunday, October 16, 2011

"Libya Lessons Learned" on Midrats, Episode 93

Today, 5pm Eastern U.S. a discussion on the early lessons to be learned from the NATO experience in Libya with Sal from CDR Salamander, Eagle1 and Dr. Robbin Laird:
Dr. Robbin Laird is co-founder of Second Line of Defense. He is a Washington and Paris based defense consultant and has worked with all of the US services on various strategic issues. His most recent books are the Re-Norming of Air Power and 21st Century Air Capabilities.
In addition to his books, Dr. Laird's works include: The Libyan Operation: Rethinking the Space Contribution in Rapid Response Operations, The Libyan Operation: Comparing the French and USMC Experiences and at AOL Defense French Libya Lessons Learned: Better Targeting, Flexible ROEs, Limits to Armed UAVs, for starters.

Join us 5pm Sunday 16 October at the link you'll find at the Midrats on BlogTalkRadio home page here. You if can't make the show, you can download it from the Midrats BTR home page or from iTunes.

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