Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Worldwide Piracy to 13 Oct 11

From the file of the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence, weekly
Worldwide Threat to Shipping Report. A highlight of some areas around the globe:

1. (U) NIGERIA: Product Tanker CAPE BIRD boarded and hijacked 08 October at 2040 UTC, near position 04:55N, 004:51E, approximately 90 nm south of Lagos, Nigeria. Recent reporting indicates that the ship has not yet been released. (IMB)
2. (U) BENIN: Chemical tanker fired upon, boarded, and robbed 2 October at 2337 LT while drifting in position 04:06N, 002:51E, approximately 136 nm southeast of Cotonou, Benin. Pirates armed with automatic weapons approached in two small boats and boarded the vessel. The crew retreated into the citadel and stayed there the whole night, when they emerged the
next day they found that the pirates had stolen ship cash. (IMB)
3. (U) GUINEA: Cargo ship (THOR LIGHT) boarded and robbed 29 September at 0505 UTC while anchored in position 09:24N, 013:43W, Conakry anchorage. Ten to twelve robbers armed with guns and knives boarded the vessel and assaulted the eleven crew members. Robbers stayed onboard for approximately 40 minutes, during which time they stole ship's and crew's cash and crew's personal belongings before escaping. Port authorities were contacted but received no response. (Open Source, IMB)
4. (U) TOGO: A chemical tanker experienced an attempted boarding on 24 September at 0130 UTC while anchored in position 06:01N, 001:15E at the Lome Anchorage. Two small boats approached shipside, the duty officer told them to move away, but was ignored. Later, two more boats approached the vessel from the stern and secured themselves to the ship's rudder. The master informed the Togo Navy, which responded and detained all four boats. Nothing was stolen from the vessel. (IMB)
5. (U) TOGO: Bulk carrier experienced an attempted boarding on 16 September at 0340 LT while anchored in position 06:03.7N, 001:17.5E at the Lome Anchorage. Seven robbers in a fast boat approached the vessel, one of the robbers had a hook attached to a rope. The duty crew spotted the robbers, contacted the bridge, and informed another watchman. Master
raised the alarm, sounded the shipís horn, and the crew directed search lights. The pirates aborted the attack upon seeing the alerted crew. The Togo Navy was contacted but did not respond; later, a naval boat patrolled the area. (IMB)
6. (U) BENIN: Product tanker (MATTHEOS I) hijacked on 14 September at 0121 UTC during ship-to-ship (STS) transfer operations approximately 62 nm southwest of Cotonou (see below incident). The vessel had 23 crew members, composed of Filipinos and Spanish, Peruvian, and Ukrainian officers. The pirates sailed the vessel to an unknown location. (IMB)
7. (U) BENIN: Product tanker boarded on 14 September at 0121 UTC during STS operations approximately 62 nm southwest of Cotonou. Master sent out an SSAS alert and the crew locked themselves into the engine room. The pirates later left the vessel, and when the crew left the engine room there were no pirates onboard. (IMB)

8. (U) TOGO: Chemical tanker experienced an attempted boarding 14 September at 0415 UTC while anchored in position 06:01.39N ñ 001:18.30E, approximately 8 nm southeast of Lome break water, Togo. About 26 robbers in two boats attempted to board the vessel, a portable
ladder and ropes were seen in both boats. The master raised the alarm, mustered the crew, contacted local authorities on VHF channel 16, and left anchor. After the crew alerted, the robbers aborted the attempt. The master reported that the same robbers had attempted to board another vessel ìeight cablesî from his vesselís position prior to the attack on his vessel, no further information. (IMB)
1. (U) RED SEA: Chemical tanker (GINGA BOBCAT) experienced an attempted boarding and was fired upon one skiff with an RPG, 28 September at 1258 UTC while underway in position 14:02N, 042:53E, approximately 70 nm southeast of Ras Isa, Yemen. Entire attack
group consisted of 3-4 skiffs, each with 4-5 pirates onboard. The vessel was damaged and had a hole in the inert gas room. Vessel did not have a security team. The master took evasive maneuvers, pirates chased the vessel for 15 minutes, and the pirates aborted their attack. (UKMTO, IMB)
2. (U) RED SEA: Chemical tanker (LIME GALAXY) experienced an attempted boarding by two skiffs on 28 September on 1159 UTC while underway in position 14:18N, 042:50Eapproximately 53 nm southeast of Ras Isa, Yemen. Pirates fired upon the vessel, one pirate attempted to board it with a ladder, the master raised the alarm and engaged in
evasive maneuvers, and the pirates aborted the attack. The vessel did not have a security team. (UKMTO, IMB)
3. (U) RED SEA: Cargo vessel (CS CIHAN) boarded by pirates on 25 September at 1342 UTC while underway in position 14:09N, 042:49E, approximately 62 nm southeast of Ras Isa, Yemen. The pirates boarded the vessel and damaged it by firing upon it. The crew stopped the ship when the attack occurred and retreated to a citadel for about 3.5 hours before they left and discovered no pirates onboard. The vessel had no security team.
(Operator, UKMTO)
1. (U) ARABIAN SEA: Bulk cargo vessel (MONTECRISTO) boarded and fired upon by pirates in one skiff 10 October at 0452 UTC while underway in position 12:31N, 061:48E, approximately 440 nm east of Socotra Island, Yemen. Pirates fired at vessel with an RPG, crew locked themselves in the citadel. A Royal Navy vessel and a U.S. frigate freed the vessel and all crew were safe. Eleven pirates were detained by authorities. (UKMTO,
Operator, Press)
2. (U) INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (KOTA NASRAT) fired upon by pirates in two skiffs 6 October at 1650 UTC while underway in position 06:03.5S, 042:15.8E, approximately 184 nm northeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The duty officer raised the alarm, sent a distress message, and all crew mustered in the citadel except the master, bridge duty crew, and armed security team. The security team fired flares and warning shots but the pirates ignored the warnings and continued to chase and fire upon the vessel. The armed security team returned fire resulting in the pirates aborting the attack. (IMB, UKMTO)
3. (U) INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (GLENAN) fired upon by pirates in two skiffs 3 October at 0532 UTC while underway in position 04:59N, 058:00E, approximately 558 nm east of Hobyo, Somalia. One dhow was also sighted. Vessel was protected by a French Navy team, which exchanged fire with the pirates, no injuries were reported. (Operator)
4. (U) INDIAN OCEAN: Oil exploration vessel (OCEAN RIG POSEIDON) fired upon by pirates 3 October at 2016 LT while underway in position 07:49S, 040:14E, approximately 83 nm southeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Seven pirates approached the vessel, which sent out a distress call. Vessel with Tanzanian Navy personnel responded, there was an exchange of fire, and the pirates were arrested. (IMB, Open Source)
5. (U) ARABIAN SEA: Cargo vessel (LARA RICKMERS) fired upon by five pirates in one skiff 2 October at 0901 UTC while underway in position 16:06N, 062:47E, approximately 525 nm northeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. Skiff approached at 23 knots, the cargo vessel was traveling at 18 knots. The master raised the alarm and all nonessential crew retreated into
the citadel. The armed security team of four fired a warning flare, the skiff continued to approach and started to fire at the vessel about 60 meters from it. The team fired warning shots in front of the skiff, then again as the skiff continued its approach. The skiff moved away, and at a distance of 700 meters fired an RPG which did not hit the skiff. The team fired warning shots, the skiff them moved away and returned to a mother vessel. One
additional skiff was sighted. (UKMTO, IMB)
6. (U) INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (UACC SHAMS) fired upon by four pirates in one skiff 2 October at 0350 UTC while underway in position 03:50N, 056:23E, approximately 480 nm southeast of Hobyo, Somalia. Vessel noticed mothership launching two skiffs from 8 nm away. Both skiffs approached, and at a distance of 4 nm one skiff turned back to the
mothership, which had a white top and a red hull. Master raised the alarm and all nonessential crew retreated into the citadel. Armed security team fired warning shots at the skiff when it closed to 800 meters, skiff fell back and fired RPG which exploded 200 meters from the vessel, which was unharmed, pirates then aborted the attack. (UKMTO, IMB)
7. (U) GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier (THEOFOROS I) experienced an attempted boarding by seven pirates in one skiff 2 October at 0400 UTC while underway in position 13:01N, 048:49E, approximately 92 nm southwest of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Master noticed skiff approaching at 20 knots, raised the alarm, informed navies in the vicinity, and enforced
antipiracy measures. Unarmed security team fired a warning flare at 500 meters, crew retreated to the citadel. After pirates in the skiff hooked a ladder onto the vessel the security team retreated to the citadel. Communications with navies were established and a helicopter confirmed there were no pirates onboard the vessel. Security team left the citadel, confirmed there were no pirates onboard, and let the crew out. Pirates had ripped off some of the razor wire on the vessel. (IMB, Open Source)
8. (U) INDIAN OCEAN: Chemical tanker (TORM REPUBLICAN) fired upon by pirates in one skiff 29 September at 1215 UTC while underway in position 11:40.8N, 063:05E, approximately 507 nm southeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. Vessel had fire hoses, razor wire, a lookout, and sounded the alarm when the attack began. Armed security team fired warning shots, and skiff fired three shots at the vessel, then aborted the attack. (NATO Shipping Center)
9. (U) INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship (PACIFIC EXPRESS) boarded by two skiffs with six pirates each, armed with guns and an RPG, on 20 September at 0734 UTC while underway in position 04:47S, 044:35E carrying a cargo of steel, approximately 298 nm southeast of Mombasa, Kenya. The vesselís crew consisted of 25 Filipinos and one Ukrainian. Pirates boarded the vessel and set fire to it after the crew retreated to the citadel. A coalition warship rescued the crew; however, the ship was lost. (IMB, UKMTO, Operator)
10. (U) INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo ship (AN NING JIANG) fired upon by six pirates with AK-47s in one skiff on 17 September at 1035 UTC while underway in position 03:54.6S, 041:04.7E, approximately 86 nm northeast of Mombasa, Kenya. A bright white skiff approached the vessel, the crew retreated into the citadel, and the security guards onboard exchanged fire with the pirates for about 45 seconds before the skiff aborted the attack. (IMB, UKMTO).
1. (U) THAILAND: At least 12 Chinese sailors were killed when their two cargo ships, the HUA PING and the YU XING 8, were attacked with gunfire on the Mekong River in the northern province of Chang Rai. One of the sailors from the YU XING 8 is still unaccounted for. Local authorities are releasing few details, saying they are in the early phases of the
investigation, but have said they cannot rule out the possible involvement of drug gangs in this attack.

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