

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Somali Pirates: 15 Nov 11 Alert

From the friendly NATO Shipping Center
Attack off Oman - vessel safe
Alert 237 15/11/2011 04:30 15.85 55.11
Attacked Alert 237 Attacked, vessel safe
A piracy alert has been raised by the Maritime Security Centre.

Date of alert : November 15, 2011
Alert type : Attempted Attack
Location : [237] Arabian Sea- Indian Ocean 1551N 05507E
Latitude : 15 51 N
Longitude : 055 07 E


Alert number 237 / 2011.

At 0427 UTC / 15 OCT 11 / a merchant vessel is currently under attack by 1 skiff in position 1551N 05507E.

Warning area for possible Pirate Action Group
Attacked vessel reported possible mothership location 1548N 05507E. Unconfirmed.
**** UPDATE ****
**** Vessel is safe ****
**** Nato Shipping Centre is monitoring the situation ****

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Interesting learning from an interview in Fortune magazine with the CEO of the Danish Maersk shipping company. He was quoted as saying some of their newer container ships have the ability to flood the ship's deck to ward off attacking pirates. I didn't know such a thing was possible but here in Kansas City, we don't see many oceangoing freighters. Come to think of it, we don't see very many pirates around here, either.
