

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Somali Pirates: Early report of ship grabbed off Oman

NATO Shipping Center Map of hijacking off Oman
 Pirates hijack Italian ship with 18 on board off Oman:
Pirates hijacked an Italian cargo ship with six Italians, five Ukrainians and seven Indians on board at dawn on Tuesday . . .
NATO Shipping Center report:
A piracy alert has been raised by the Maritime Security Centre.

Date of alert : December 27, 2011
Alert type : Pirate Attack
Location : [249] ARABIAN SEA 18 18N 057 36E
Latitude : 18 18N
Longitude : 057 36E

Alert number 250 / 2011.

Reference previous Alert number 249 / 2011.

At 0403 UTC a merchant vessel was reported under attack by pirates in position 18 18 N 057 36 E.


1 comment:

  1. mandb9:44 AM

    Once again a disappointing year for the Royal Omani Navy who appear to be incapable in putting a dent into the piracy activity in their own back yard. This recent hijacking is in a similar location to three other hijacks this year. They talk a good talk with some very fancy kit (including the Air force) but are unwilling to do some serious offshore policing when it's needed.
