Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Danube River Pirates: Small Time Crime

Danube River System
 Danube shipping company reports pirate attacks on its ships in Romania:
Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company (Izmail, Odesa region) has reported a pirate attack on its UDP-1724 barge, which was in a convoy headed by the Perm motor vessel, on the 20-25 kilometer of the Borcea-Bala stretch of the Danube River on Romania on Jan. 4, 2012.

According to the press release of the company, first the motor vessel steered the barge and two sections with ore. After leaving them at a distance of 25 kilometers from Borcea, the vessel returned for the remaining sections, and at that time about fifteen people attacked the barge.

"A" marks Borcea, Romania
They demanded alcohol, cigarettes, money, fuel, and searched the barge. They threatened the skipper with a knife and threatened to throw him overboard. The attackers took from the barge two rope coils each 100 meters long and old maneuvering ropes about 150 meters long. The crewmembers were not injured by the pirates.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of River Pirates, attacks have been happening on the Mekong recently:

