

Monday, January 16, 2012

Somali Pirates: Still Out There Attacking

Latest unsuccessful Somali pirate attack effort as reported by the fine folks at the NATO Shipping Center in All Alerts:
Alert 007 16/01/2012 08:15
15.03 58.23 Attacked Alert 007 - Pirate Attack A piracy alert has been raised by the Maritime Security Centre.
Date of alert : January 16, 2012
Alert type : Pirate Attack
Location : 15 02 N 058 14 E
Latitude : 15 02 N
Longitude : 058 14 E
Alert number 007 / 2012.
At 0814 UTC 16 JAN a merchant vessel is currently under attack by 1 white skiffs in position 15 02 N 058 14 E. Vessel is SAFE.
Map is portion of NATO SC Alert Map. My arrow.

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