Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Somali Pirates: Disposable Vessels Prompt Hijacking?

Maritime Executive Magazine says "UAE Cargo Ship Hijacked Off Oman, Somali Pirates May Have Needed Ship Repair and Parts" :
MV Leila (Neptune Marine Security photo)
Maritime security officials have confirmed that MV Leila, built in 1973, was hijacked by Somali pirates last week. The International Maritime Bureau reports that the vessel was captured off Oman. [See here]
It is also being reported that the pirates may have just needed help repairing their own ship, resulting in this hijacking. {Ship reportedly is now in in a Puntland, Somalia port]
A second ship owned by a UAE-based firm, the MV Savina-Fahad, is also said to have been hijacked this week. According to the Somalia Report {here, the vessel was seized in the Indian Ocean while carrying charcoal from the Somali town of Kismaayo.
What ships are the pirates grabbing? Low, slow and unarmed, that's what.

Sidebar Update: Nice BBC piece on the air war against the pirates - featuring a look at an Australian aircrew and the UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) here.


  1. Gary Stringer6:25 AM

    When these stories are published the first thing I think is why navies are not on standby reading to approach the pirates when they hijack a vessel. By the time they get the boat back to Somali ports they can unload the crew and cargo and can set themselves up to defend against any approaching navy ships. Meaning that they win every time!

  2. Not enough navy ships to cover the area and Leila was operating outside of the transit zone and was not registered with the counter-piracy centers.

    Took a gamble and lost.

  3. Gary Stringer6:48 AM

    Oh i didn't realise that, well i guess they knew the risks if they were willing to take the chance!
