Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

U.S. Navy Stands Down MSRON 7, Stands Up MESG-1 Det. Guam

MESG-1 boat
Numbers and name change, downgraded from a command to an officer-in-charge, as Navy Establishes MESG-1 Det. Guam:
Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron (MSRON) 7 was officially disestablished and Maritime Expeditionary Security Group (MESG) 1 Det. Guam was established during a ceremony on U.S. Naval Base Guam, Feb. 3.
More than 150 Sailors from MSRON-7 will continue their tour under MESG-1 Det. Guam.
. . . Under Suchyta's lead, MSRON-7 protected 10 special mission ships operating in the East and South China Seas, four logistic ships in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Gulf, 26 aircraft visiting high-threat airfields, and securely guided high-ranking passengers during special missions.  . .
Confused about what this is about? Here's part of a mission statement about MESG's:
c. MSRON Mission: To provide MESG commanders, fleet commanders, and Navy component commanders planning, administration, direction, and training of highly mobile, fully capable, and equipped active and reserve forces to deploy as complete squadrons or task-organized units capable of exercising tactical control of assigned C2, waterborne, and landward security assets in order to provide perimeter defense, surveillance, patrol, escort, and interdiction in ports, harbors, and other militarily significant coastal and inshore areas. Provide critical infrastructure and high value asset protection both on land and at sea. Provide centralized planning, control, coordination, and integration of MESF assets for force protection in support of missions as assigned by combatant commanders. (1) MSRONs have an integral C2 capability resident in their staff structures to ensure the readiness and maintenance of resident command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) capabilities. MSRONs are also capable of providing and maintaining a tactical picture in support of large expeditionary operations, asset protection, and harbor defense/port security in the littoral environment through the use of associated communications and various ground, surface, and subsurface sensors and unmanned/unattended vehicles in the near shore littoral environment. (2) Inherent in each MSRON is a waterborne security capability that is made up of boat detachments (BOATDET). The boat detachment will provide waterborne interdiction and surveillance assets to the security/antiterrorism officer, seaward security officer, or harbor defense commander in expeditionary operations. BOATDETs routinely operate with other MESF assets and other USN, joint, coalition, and host nation forces. BOATDETs may be assigned within the unified and/or allied command structure.
In other words, the old MIUW units, Harbor Defense Units and Inshore Boat Units brought together as part of the active duty force with the additional mission of Naval Armed Guards tossed in as needed.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is high time that the US sends that fleet of naval defense towards the Pacific, specifically on the disputed waters of South China Sea (or West Philippine Sea or East Vietnam Sea or North Malaysian Sea, whichever country is speaking). Unless we are really serious with upholding our defense treaties with the countries being bullied by China, then all the legal stipulations we have carved will be put for naught.
