

Friday, May 11, 2012

Somali Pirates: Tanker Hijacked

Reported as Tanker Operator:Piracy returns - Suezmax hijacked:
Pirates boarded Dynacom’s Liberian flag Suezmax ‘Smyrni’ on Thursday some 430 miles northeast of Yemen’s SocotraIsland, Jacqueline Sherriff, a EUNAVFOR spokeswoman confirmed by phone to Bloomberg. “They are on board the vessel with guns,” Ody Valatsas, Dynacom Tankers Management chartering manager, said by email, declining to comment
NATO Shipping Center Map
further. The vessel was laden with 135,000 tonnes of crude oil reportedly loaded at a Turkish loading terminal. The seized tanker is the largest vessel to be hijacked since February 2011, according to Sherriff and the IMB.
NATO Shipping Center report:
Alert 040/12 - Pirated10 /05/2012 09:30 15.97 61.05 Pirated Pirated At 0930 UTC on 10 MAY 2012 a merchant vessel was reported under attack by 2 skiffs in position 15 58 N 061 03 E. ***Vessel is now confirmed as PIRATED***
© Igor Torgachkin

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