Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Midrats 10 June 12 :Episode 127: "Disruption, Disfunction and Leadership" on Blog Talk Radio

Join us Sunday, 10 June, at 5pm (Eastern U.S.) for Midrats 10 June 12 :Episode 127: "Disruption, Disfunction and Leadership" on Blog Talk Radio, a show that poses some interesting questions:
What is a "crisis in leadership?

In an organization that prizes the Type-A personality that takes risk combined with a strong intellect - yet at the same times asks from it silence and order - what happens when each end loses faith and trust in the other?

Our guest for the full hour will be Peter Munson, Marine officer, KC-130 aircraft commander, Middle East specialist, author, and editor of Small Wars Journal.

As a starting point, we will use his article in SWJ, Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem:

"Today’s military is facing a significant crisis. ... The rank and file of the military who have made or witnessed the massive efforts and sacrifices of the past decade, and who have seen so very little in the way of satisfying results in return, ... They are disappointed by the failures of leadership and imagination that have yielded toxic commands, a rash of firings in some services, and a breach of trust with our most vulnerable service members. They wonder about the future of the weapons systems that support and defend them as they read tales of acquisition woe. They question the growing focus on bureaucratic minutiae. They question how they can be trusted so completely in a combat environment, but are treated as children in garrison. They wonder how a military system that prides itself on justice will reward the generals that have presided over failure, ... while at the same time eroding the autonomy and discretion of junior commanders with a creeping campaign of bureaucratic centralization.

These are symptoms of a malaise facing the military, of an ossified and decadent institutional culture and a bloated bureaucracy that has grown a profusion of power centers that jealously guard their territory and their budget."
A crisis or a return to the old "garrison mentality" that follows all wars? A return to a system that punishes warriors and rewards "toadies" who are all "book?"

Seen the movie, "Heartbreak Ridge?" - remember the major out to get Gunny Highway? He's one of "role models" we'll be talking about.

I suspect that John Boyd's name will come up.

Can't make the show? Pick it up later at Midrats on Blog Talk Radio or from Midrats on iTunes

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