

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Somali Pirates: Gang Wars

Somali pirate groups have apparently taken to fighting each other, probably out of boredom in waiting for the "beach assault" of the EU/NATO forces. The report from UPI at Fighting erupts among rival Somali pirates :
Pirates fired on each other on land on the Somali coast Monday, killing at least one person and wounding many others, residents near the fighting said.

Witnesses in Hobyo, in the Mudug region of Somalia, said fighting broke out when a group of pirates tried to capture another pirate gang, Shabelle Media Network said.

"We woke up this morning hearing the barrage of bullets and sounds of artillery fire exchanging between two groups of Somali pirates," one resident told Shabelle.
Artillery fire?

Tough life being a pirate.

May they all lose. 

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