Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fun with the Littoral Combat Ship: New Council to Watch Over the "Testing and Introduction"

Nothing says "winning program" like the need to establish a high-powered committee to take charge, which is what the Chief of Naval Operations has done, as set out in "CNO Establishes LCS Council":
The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) established a board known as the LCS Council Aug. 22 made up of four Navy vice admirals to oversee continued fleet testing and introduction of littoral combat ship (LCS) sea frames, mission modules, and mission packages.

Adm. Jonathan Greenert designated Vice Adm. Rick Hunt, director of the Navy Staff, as the council's chairman. Other officers on the council include Vice Adm. Mark Skinner, Principal Military Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition; Vice Adm. Tom Copeman, commander, Naval Surface Forces; and Vice Adm. Kevin McCoy, commander, Naval Sea Systems Command.

The focus of the LCS Council will first be to develop a class-wide plan of action to address the areas identified as needing improvement in recent assessments and reviews. The plan is expected to be implemented by Jan. 31, 2013.

"Addressing challenges identified by these studies, on the timeline we require, necessitates the establishment of an empowered council to drive action across acquisition, requirements and fleet enterprises of the Navy," said Greenert.

It is expected that issues will arise in any first-of-class shipbuilding program. Navy ships are designed with test and trial periods to ensure everything is working correctly, and repairs can be made, if required. That approach also allows for the incorporation of lessons learned into the follow-on ships before they're delivered.
I can tell already that this is just going to be swell.

Four Vice Admirals. Great googly moogly!


  1. Of the four, three already had some level of responsibility for delivering LCS (Skinner, McCoy) or integrating it with the surface force (Copeman). Maybe CNO thought they needed a referee?

    1. So, Ken, are you suggesting that all Vice Admirals are equal but some are more . . .

  2. Anonymous6:05 AM

    All due respect to the Admirals, but why does it take a committee of four admirals to tell us the LCS is fit for combat or sea when we all know the LCS is a waste of treasure and will be a waste of sailors when the shells begin to fly?
