Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Killer Pirates of the Bay of Bengal: 20 Bangladeshi fishermen Found Dead

Reported here:
The bodies were found in the Bay of Bengal, where pirates have created a reign of terror by routinely robbing, kidnapping and extorting money from fishermen working along the coastline.

"Today our boats have found 17 bodies floating about 12 kilometres west of the lighthouse of Kutubdia Island," Navy commander Mustafizur Rahman told AFP on Tuesday.

Three bodies were recovered by a fishing boat on Monday.

"All the bodies were in decomposed state. They had their hands tied up and were thrown in deep sea," Rahman added.

Deputy police chief in Cox's Bazaar town, Imran Bhuiyan, told AFP the pirates appeared to have thrown the men into the sea alive and stolen the engine, fishing nets and catch on the fishing boat.
This report puts the death count at 21 with more still missing:
BNS Meghna recovered 14 dead fishermen whereas BNS Barkat and a ‘Defender’ vessel found four dead bodies during their operation on Tuesday.

“There were reportedly 34 fishermen on board the three vessels, three of the attack’s survivors have claimed. According to the fishermen 10 more are still missing”, he said

“We are directing our search with that in mind. There is a special operation to catch those responsible as well. Every vessel is being searched”, said Suhail.

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