Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Warning Order: I'm Giving a Piracy Presentation

 I'll be giving a talk on "Modern Day Piracy on the High Seas" in Cobb County, Georgia, at the Switzer Library, 266 Roswell Street, Marietta, on Saturday November 15th, starting at 2:00 p.m.

If you sit through what I hope will be an interactive discussion, I'm told there are "cookies and punch" being offered as a reward.

I do note that the Georgia - Auburn football game has been postponed set for later that evening so as to not not interfere with this chat.

Y'all are invited.


  1. How nice of the dons of the SEC to schedule around your presentation!

    Will the presentation be available on-line later for those of us who cannot make the event?

  2. Probably not, but you may see some of my visual aids appear here.
