

Monday, March 16, 2015

Got Your 2015 "A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower: Forward, Engaged, Ready" Right Here

Here's "A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower: Forward, Engaged, Ready" which you can read for yourself:

Now having read it, you can go read THE NEW MARITIME STRATEGY: IT’S TRICKY TO BALANCE ENDS, WAYS, AND MEANS by Brian McGrath and Bryan Clark.


A video discussion from the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

A very different perspective from the World Socialist Website at "US ramps up anti-China “pivot to Asia”:
There is nothing benign about the US strategy of maintaining overwhelming naval superiority in the Indo-Pacific region. The Pentagon’s plans for war against China, known as “AirSea Battle,” rely on the ability to mount a massive offshore air and missile attack on the Chinese mainland, including China’s military and infrastructure, supplemented by an economic blockade. Under the pretext of securing “freedom of navigation,” the US navy is ensuring that it has the ability to block key shipping lanes across the Indian Ocean used by China to import energy and raw materials from Africa and the Middle East.
Gee, I wonder what they say about the Chinese strategy to dominate East Asia and the South China Sea.

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