Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Dear Young Men: Co-ed College is not for you.

Could there be a more egregious overreaction? Old Dominion University's Sigma Nu Frat Suspended During Probe Into Sexually Suggestive Signs:
Crass, sexually suggestive banners "welcoming" freshman women to a Virginia college last week have sparked outrage and led to the suspension of at least one of the school's fraternities.
Wow. Just wow.

This requires an "investigation?" Pretty obvious that some guys in a frat thought it would be funny and acted on a whim.

Frankly, I am offended by the offense taken by some priggish pervert who sees "rape" behind every innuendo. There are more "sexual" suggestions in any ten-minute segment of "The Big Bang Theory" than in those signs.

I suggest young men with a sense of humor find a single-sex college or university to attend. Oh, wait - there aren't many left for men.
As of March 2015, there are three non-religious, four-year, all-male college institutions in the United States. These are:

Hampden–Sydney College, Hampden–Sydney, Virginia
Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia
Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana
Women, especially those who may be uncomfortable to be around men, have a broader choice:

Agnes Scott College
Alverno College
Barnard College
Bay Path University
Bennett College for Women
Brenau University
Bryn Mawr College
Cedar Crest College
The College of New Rochelle
College of Saint Benedict
College of Saint Elizabeth
College of Saint Mary
Columbia College
Converse College
Cottey College
Douglass Residential College of Rutgers University
Hollins University
Judson College
Mary Baldwin College
Meredith College
Midway University
Mills College
Moore College of Art and Design
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Mary University
Mount St. Mary's College
Notre Dame of Maryland University
Russell Sage College of The Sage Colleges
St. Catherine University
Saint Mary's College
Salem College
Scripps College
Simmons College
Smith College
Spelman College
Stephens College
Stern College for Women
Sweet Briar College
Trinity Washington University
University of Saint Joseph
Ursuline College
Wellesley College
Wesleyan College
The Women's College of the University of Denver
Meanwhile, a little more joy goes out of the universe. The joy of being young and rowdy and in college.

1 comment:

  1. Nailed it. My reactions exactly, and since I live in Tidewater, Virginia, it's BIG news down here. My wife agrees. The PC Police are out to sanitize our life--and obviously have neither a sense of proportion--or of humor.
