Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Saturday Is Old Radio Day: Special Saturday Matinee Movie Edition: "Zombies of the Stratosphere" (1952) plus Superman Radio

Back in the olden days we had radio, some limited television and also we had Saturday morning matinees designed to keep the kids off the mean streets of Laramie, Wyoming.

I think some of those Saturdays were spent in the old Wyo Theater in downtown Laramie.

In those days we could ride our bikes to the movies and spend our dimes. Before the Roy Rodgers feature, there were serials - multi-part movies cut into segments and nearly unburdened by any hint of continuity from episode to episode.

Here's a favorite:

I dunno, but is that a killer chemtrail behind that space ship?

Well, perhaps the baby from Krypton can save us:

Superman's Krytonion mom was played by Agnes Moorehead.

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