Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Saturday Is Old Radio Day: Mind Webs with Kurt Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron" and Arthur C. Clarke's "The Haunted Space Suit"

Mindwebs explained here:
Mindwebs, produced by WHA Radio in Madison, Wisconsin, between 1976 and 1984,
was really less a radio show in the familiar sense and more a series of readings of short stories by amazing writers, such as Richard Matheson, Arthur C. Clarke and Ray Bradbury. Talented writing, wonderful accompaniment music and superb reading by Michael Hansen make the show one of our favorites. 150 shows were produced and aired.

Here a couple of very famous SciFi short stories from a couple of great writers:

1 comment:

  1. On Saturday and Sunday nights, Wisconsin Public Radio has Old Time Radio from 2000 to 2300. www.wpr.org will get you there, they simulcast the OTR on their News and Information network.
