Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Sailors at Sea? New Navy Fitness Suit Not for Thee?

Ta-Dah! A new Navy Navy Fitness Suit which seems just dandy for everyone except, I dunno, sailors on ships:
Navy photo of the NFS
WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Navy announced Wednesday the manner of wear and availability for the new Navy Fitness Suit and women's choker style Service Dress White (SDW) jacket for chief petty officers and officers in NAVADMIN 125/17.

The new fitness suit completes the Navy's Physical Training Uniform (PTU) ensemble and will be a sea bag requirement for Sailors beginning Sept. 30, 2021. It is Navy blue, fully lined and made of water repellent, moisture wicking and odor-resistant fabric, with gold color NAVY logos and trimmed with silver reflective piping.

Beginning in July, the fitness suit will be available at select fleet concentration areas with Fleet-wide availability through Uniform Centers and the Navy Exchange Uniform Call Center no later than October 2017. Recruit Training Command is now issuing the fitness suit to new recruits.

The suit is designed primarily for group and unit physical training activities and the semi-annual physical readiness test.

The jacket should be worn over the PTU shirt, zipped at least three quarters up and sleeve cuffs should extend beyond the wrist, but not beyond the lower knuckle of the thumb. The pants will be worn on the waist over the PTU shorts, should extend down between the shoe top and heel but not beyond the heel.

The fitness suit is not authorized to be worn while in a duty status or when conducting official business on base.

Optional items that can be worn with the suit include the Blue Navy or Command Ball Cap, Navy Watch Cap, and thermal undergarments.


To help maintain the fitness suit for the expected four years before requiring replacement, it should be washed and dried at a low temperature setting in home-style machines. Using the industrial shipboard or bulk laundry is not recommended.
Emphasis added.

It's like being a sailor on a ship is . . . not something the uniform people worry about, isn't it?


  1. And we find out that it goes up in flames faster than 100 proof alcohol in and therefore unauthorized for afloat use in 3....2....

  2. The most senior officer responsible for this uniform should be fired. Navy should just go to the nearest REI and get advice on what apparel would work best in that environment. Not rocket science.

  3. Three stuck-on-stupid disconnects seem too obvious:

    Stated fitness suit purpose ---
    "The suit is designed primarily for group and unit physical training activities and the semi-annual physical readiness test." --- Guessing there is a short-sleeve version available vs, the 'sweatsuit' shown.

    "Using the industrial shipboard or bulk laundry is not recommended." --- No problem, the Navy simply buys delicate-cycle washers for sea duty tours, and retires one more 'supernumerary' ship.

  4. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Fitness Suits? How about Sea Control and Air Defense. Somebody (Trump) needs to get rid of these high level officers and meddling bureaucrats. Sailors volunteer to win wars, not to oblige themselves to four years of following orders to benefit some underendowed officer's dream of dominating real men. Sigh....more Admiral McMullin establishment waste...
