

Saturday, June 10, 2017

On Midrats 11 June 2017 - Episode 388: On Tactics, with B.A. Friedman

Please join us at 5pm EDT 11 June 2017 for Midrats Episode 388: On Tactics, with B.A. Friedman:
In the Western concept of the military art, there is a food chain. The Political feeds
Strategic; Strategic the Operational; Operational the Tactical.

Among the military chatting classes, there is a lot of pondering and pontificating about strategy and operational concepts – but what about tactics?

If the Tactical level requires, ultimately, a Strategy to help define its purpose – besides logistics, shouldn’t’ the professional also talk tactics?

On this week’s show we’re going to explore that space with returning guest B.A. Friedman, Capt. USMCR, whose latest book from Naval Institute Press, On Tactics, examines the question in great detail.

Simply because of its location in the hierarchy, tactics are not a simple thing. As the author states,
“While the sinews of war may be infinite funds, the sinew of tactical prowess is a common outlook, one that contextualizes and unifies doctrine, history, and experience across a military force.”
Join us live if you can or pick the show up later by clicking here. Or you can pick the show up later by clicking that link or by visiting either our iTunes page or our Stitcher page.

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