Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Monday, November 02, 2020

NAVYCON 2020A: Someone Made the Mistake of Inviting Me to Talk

NAVYCON 2020A goes live November 5 at 7pm Eastern

Lots of great presenters, interesting topics combining science fiction and military thinking together.

I think I was invited because I watched Star Trek (original series) when it first came on the air back in the 1960's. By the time most of the other presenters were born those shows were over 20 years old. Designated old guy, that's me.

Speaker list

Abstracts and background documents here.

You can register here.

I get to rant talk about training and make the other presenters look good.


  1. Anonymous4:22 PM

    This looks interesting. If you watched STOS, you'll be fine.

    Hopefully this will be available post Con for us to watch.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Hi, I just watched your segment. You picked a good topic and did well.

